04 October 2024 last updated at 13:13 GMT
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Tim May has proved the ICC is being bullied
By Lalit K Modi, 9th May, 2013
The current reaction to rumours that the BCCI may have exerted undue influence to oust a very capable administrator from the ICC, is a sure sign to me that people have just about had enough of the BCCI and that the ICC must do something about it. They probably won’t. 

Former Australian Test player, Tim May lost his place on the ICC’s Cricket Committee on Monday to former Indian leg spinner
Laxman Sivaramakrishan, amidst allegations that the BCCI put pressure on other boards to ensure the 10 Test playing nation’s captain’s voted for ‘their’ man. The result was Mr. Sivaramakrishan was voted in.

 Newspapers across the globe have been reflecting indignation, anger and fury, to such an extent that the saying ‘no smoke without fire’ springs immediately to mind. One report in New Zealand even went as far as to use the word; ‘corruption’. (You can read the stories by clicking on the links at the end my blog)
If the rumours of coercion are true, then it’s madness. The unilateral bullying tactics the BCCI continues to employ at every turn will simply ruin the game. I’ve been saying it for ages and now there’s more evidence from a different part of the world. The ICC is supposed to be the body that oversees squeaky clean governance and at the very least, it must surely investigate the issue if it is to retain any credibility across world cricket.
The Australian Cricketer’s Union has reacted to all this by saying the ICC is the “most ineffective governing body in world sport.” At the time of writing it isn’t ruling out industrial action and it’s chief executive Paul Marsh also said they wanted the ICC to act but was, “pessimistic that it will do so.” It is both frightening for the game of cricket and also generally sad when players and administrators across the world can shout as loud as they want, but have little chance of being heard.

I know the feeling.
Tim’s downfall seems to have been that he has been vocal in his dislike of BCCI tactics - he’s not alone there - and one obvious area where there was complete discord was on the issue of DRS. Tim has always been a supporter, the BCCI of course, is not. And what is one of the areas of responsibility this particular committee oversees? You’ve guessed it, DRS. It might not be the most important item under the committee’s remit, but it does tell a glaringly obvious tale.
I do not blame Laxman Sivaramakrishan. He is a pawn in someone else’s game. But the ICC surely has to act amidst the fury being vented from the southern hemisphere. Tim May has since been quoted as saying; “"We want the ICC to take notice and police their own processes, and not just turn their back on stuff that they are fully aware of. It's time someone stood up to this cancer.”
I admire Tim for standing up and saying it how it is. It's true to say that we didn't always see eye to eye when I was at the IPL but he was always a professional and committed cricket official. This is not a man with an axe to grind simply because he lost a vote. This is an administrator who cares passionately about the game of cricket and is fearful for its future in the face of weak governance. I know how he feels.

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