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                                                                                                                         fter  the  formation  of  the  IPL  Governing  Council
                                                                                                         in  September  2007,  work  immediately  started  at  full  speed.
                                                                                                         Tenders had to be drafted, players recruited and signed up and
                                                                                                         the detailing of the IPL mechanics to be defined. The backbone
                                                                                                         of any sporting league is the media rights and that was the first
                                                                                                         step taken by the Governing Council.

                                                                                                         The IPL Broadcast Partner:
                                                                                                         With a record media rights deal. The next step was the ‘Team’.
                                                                                                         The first tender to go out was that required for the IPL Global
                                                                                                         Media Rights partner December 2007. WSG, Sony and ESS were
                                                                                                         the only three companies to bid. WSG submitted its bid, won
                                                                                                         with Sony as its Indian Broadcast partner, and met all ITT criteria,

                                                                                                         winning the bid with an offer of USD $ 1.026 million dollars. The
                                                                                                         bid was the highest in sports history making WSG the Global
                                                                                                         Media Rights Partner for IPL.

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