Page 95 - IPL 2
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                                                                                         In Conversation with Ram Reddy, Co-Owner, Deccan Chargers...

                                                                                         What made you get into the IPL?
                                                                                         Sports has a very loyal readership value and the value of sports has always inspired us. We thus, consider our interest in the IPL a
                                                                                         natural corollary as it helps us combine our core strength of business with a sport, which readers are passionate about.

                                                                                         What was your experience from Season 1?
                                                                                         The fi rst message was - it is not the players by themselves but the collective effort of the team that helps a team cruise past the winning
                                                                                         post. A system to deal with mind management and mentoring that was absent in Chargers in IPL-1 became necessary for future editions
                                                                                         of the IPL.

                                                                                         To what factors do you attribute the turnaround in Season 2?
                                                                                         We were not defeatist in our attitude and that I think was our biggest strength. We worked on each and every area and had a well-
                                                                                         formulated strategy to bring out the best in each one of the players. Inspiring, motivating, encouraging, taunting and elevating the
                                                                                         cricketers to a different plane of thinking brought about the transformation. Briefl y the prescriptions that were applied were -
                                                                                         1.    Winning is the only thing.
                                                                                         2.    Decisions at the speed of light.
                                                                                         3.    A coach who has never coached before.
                                                                                         4.    Good for Gully Cricket, better for IPL.
                                                                                         5     Fit in the mind, able in the body.
                                                                                         6.    Benched, yet playing.
                                                                                         7.    Win or Lose – Just one-way to play.
                                                                                         8.   Dull beige to Dynamic Blue.
                                                                                         9.    New way to slice and dice numbers.
                                                                                         10.  Life beyond IPL.

                                                                                         What was your fi rst reaction when you heard the IPL was moving out of India?
                                                                                         The initial reaction was one of worry as we were unsure the team would be able to adjust in such a short time. It was the fag end of the
                                                                                         season in South Africa, the pitches had worn out and it was generally felt that they would be tricky and would have uneven bounce.
                                                                                         Only one regular spin bowler in the team, added to our worries. Conventional hard hitting in T-20 will perforce have to be replaced by
                                                                                         a combination of steady batting, effective spin bowling and management of the slog at the death through excellent ground fi elding.

                                                                                         Describe for us how you felt when Gilchrist played that historic knock in the semis?
                                                                                         It was a complete pleasure to watch such extraordinary cricketing skill on display. He single-handedly GILLITONED the Daredevils
                                                                                         registering IPL’s fastest half-century in 16 balls. It would be impossible to see an innings of the class, fury and fi re that Gilly gave that
                                                                                         day. 85 runs of 35 balls. The form he was in, any bowler would have shuddered to bowl to him.

                                                                                         This may be tough to capture in words, but how did it feel walking with your team and lifting the trophy?
                                                                                         It was like walking from the Shadows into the Spotlight.

                                                                                         And the icing on the cake was the personal awards for Rohit, Adam and RP?                                                                                                                                                                               W
                                                                                         The victory itself was possible because of the outstanding contribution of Rohit Sharma, Adam Gilchrist and RP Singh. The rest of the                                                                                                                         inning is a habit and when it is combined with
                                                                                         team pitched in very well to support them. It only demonstrated that it was a collective victory and therefore 3 IPL Awards in addition                                                                                                talent and luck it is an unstoppable force.
                                                                                         to the IPL Crown came to the Chargers.

                                                                                         On the business side, what are the activations and initiatives your franchise is taking in terms of marketing and talent development?                                                                                                                            RAM REDDY, CO-OWNER, DECCAN CHARGERS
                                                                                         There is enough work to be done to sustain the momentum of the victory. Lest our victory be reduced to a fl ash in the pan, there is
                                                                                         a concerted effort to keep the team members fi t, agile and well trained to keep the winning trail. The Chargers Academy has been                                  “
                                                                                         scouting for talent both within the catchment area and young cricketers from the rest of the country.

                                                                                84  DECCAN CHARGERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                mr & MRS RAM REDDY & GAYATHRI REDDY                                            DECCAN CHARGERS  85 DECCAN CHARGERS  85
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