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I t still gives me goose bumps when I think of IPL-II in South Africa. The hosts had only three weeks to put everything in

 THE GOVERNING COUNCIL  place - grounds, safety, travel plans, advertising and marketing, stadia logistics, food and catering. Everything. And they did

                such a brilliant job of it that when the fi nals were held at the Wanderers six weeks later, the fi nalists, Deccan Chargers and
                Royal Challengers Bangalore, had 35,000 people rooting for them from the packed stands. Most of them were South Africans
                and here we are talking of a provincial tournament of India which had no connect with the South Africans. How was this wild

 LALIT MODI     heist pulled off?

 SHASHANK MANOHAR  By now, we all know the scale and breadth of IPL - it can test the entire machinery of a nation and political fallouts are easy
                to understand. But big challenges bring big rewards and the South African hosts, to their credit, seized the opportunity

 N SRINIVASAN   when they saw one. They weren’t deterred that the IPL-II coincided with the general elections, as it turned out, one of the
                hottest contested in the brief history of South African republic. Nor were they worried if their local fans would wake up to
                the tournament in time. They just went ahead. As it turned out, it was a very smart move. It allowed South Africa to take
 MP PANDOVE     the global recession in stride and its’ economy received a boost of over 1 billion rands. Its’ expertise in hosting a world-class
                tournament at a short notice has made them a favourite destination for global sporting events in future. I feel this has given
 SANJAY JAGDALE  South Africa a completely new identity in the world of sports and commerce. They are bound to reap rewards on their risk in

 INDERJIT SINGH BINDRA  the near future.

                Sure, the IPL authorities, led by the fl amboyant Commissioner Lalit Modi, too showed the courage to embark on a completely
 NIRANJAN SHAH  uncharted course of action. They decided swiftly and chose not to freeze when presented with a diffi cult situation. There
                were other smart moves made too. Francois Pineear was roped in as the South African face of the IPL. Pineear is a legend
 ARUN JAITLEY   in South Africa who commands unquestioned respect for being the man who lifted rugby’s world cup trophy in 1995. When
                he turned up with Lalit Modi and Shahrukh Khan at the media conference in Cape Town at the launch of the IPL-II, I clearly
 DR FAROOQ ABDULLAH  noticed the wheels had already been set in motion. Pineear and his team lost no time in making the connect between the
                masses and IPL-II happen. They helped in building up a frenzy in crowd response and media coverage. Francois made me get

 RAVI SHASTRI   up very early a couple of times to get out on the radio networks and spread the word.  Pineear and company made sure that
                all the eight teams received adequate and distinct identity to stand out in the mental landscape of the South African masses.

 TIGER PATAUDI  Soon the affi nity between the IPL and masses began to show. Once the IPL rolled out as a competition on April 18, 2009,

 SUNIL GAVASKAR  things happened quickly. Advertising, contests, cheerleaders, celebrities and fi reworks helped as did the thoughtful move
                of awarding scholarship funds of Rand 100,000 to schools. The world quickly woke up to the revolution just managed. It
                was a seminal moment in the history of modern sport. Gushed Sydney Morning Herald “If the ability to market a sports
 RAJIV SHUKLA   tournament is usually a science, then the IPL and its South African partners raised it to an art.” Agence France-Presse termed
                it “an extraordinary achievement.” For the huge Indian diaspora in South Africa, it was like a homecoming.
 CHIRAYU AMIN   The cricket was excellent too. Young domestic players got an opportunity to play with the world’s best in diffi cult foreign

                conditions - an incalculable opportunity in the career graph of a young cricketer. And the result, two teams at the bottom of
                the heap in the fi rst edition rising up to the fi nals in the second, was a testimony to the roller-coaster ride.

                For me, having been involved with the game for nearly three decades, this surely was a high point.

                                                                                                                                                     RAVI SHASTRI
                                                                                                                          On behalf of the IPL Governing Council

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