Page 254 - IPL 2
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T  his was the most popular team even before                                    coach made him cool his heels in the dugout for

                a ball had been bowled in the league. Easy to                                   most of the South African expedition.
                understand given the demi god status of their
                franchise  owner  and  the  rock  star  branding                                But that wasn’t the only strange thinking that

                given to the team. They had a start that justified                              was coming out of the dugout. KKR was bleeding

                the  image.  The  Brendon  McCullam  century  in                                runs in the tournament, especially in the death
                the first ever match of the IPL gave not just a                                 overs, so it was baffling that Langaveld wasn’t
                blazing  start  to  the  league  but  also  endeared                            given a chance till way after the team had been

                Knight Riders to more than just all of Kolkata.                                 knocked out of the tournament.

                The  lead  up  to  the  second  season  wasn’t  as                              They did however get their act together at the fag
                smooth though, with new coach John Buchanan                                     end of the tournament, with two thumping wins

                introducing the controversial 4 captain theory,                                 against the Rajasthan Royals and The Chennai
                the buzz around the team wasn’t a joyous one.                                   Super  Kings.  Some  bad  luck  and  a  crazy  last

                Kolkata was up in arms, as they have been in                                    over denied them a victory against the Deccan
                the past when a word is spoken or a deed done                                   Chargers. If the rub of the green had gone their

                to undermine their precious ‘Dada’. The experts                                 way  that  evening  in  Johannesburg  the  league
                looked beyond emotion and called this team a                                    table  would’ve  looked  a  little  different,  but  it

                strong one. Rightfully so, given the destructive                                didn’t and that meant that the dreaded wooden
                capabilities  of  Chris  Gayle  and  Brendon                                    spoon would be going back home with them.
                McCullam  at  the  top.  The  prolific  Aussie  T20

                specialist  Brad  Hodge  and  Saurav,  who  is  no                              That  the  KKR  campaign  went  pear  shaped

                stranger to dancing down the wicket and belting                                 rather early on is no secret. Neither is the fact
                it over the side screen. The top four looked like                               that  things  will  change  in  the  next  season,
                world-beaters.  The  bowling  attack  too  wasn’t                               drastically at that. They have in Shahrukh Khan

                amateurish. The raw pace of the lanky Ishant,                                   a  natural  leader,  one  who’s  fiercely  averse  to
                the wily ways of the Miser Agarkar, spinner on                                  losing. A motivator who knows when to cut his

                song  Ajantha  Mendis  and  the  supreme  south                                 losses and his loss making personnel.
                African death bowler Charl Langaveld.

                                                                                                So in Season 3 we can expect to see KKR back
                Wasn’t exactly a line up you could write off easily.                            at their fortress Eden Gardens and all of Kolkata

                While you could argue that the team’s popularity                                back behind their army of Knights. With Badshah
                was a little dodgy in hometown Kolkata, it went                                 of Bollywood and the Prince of Kolkata leading

                soaring in neighboring Bangladesh with the bid                                  the charge, their kingdom is bound to expand.
                for  Mashrafe  Mortaza.  Eyebrows  were  raised                                 The wooden spoon will be carved into a sword,

                with  KKR  paying  over  half  a  million  dollars                              and  they  will  come  out  wielding  it  like  the
 sourav ganguly  for him. More eyebrows were raised when the                                    Knights we want them to be!

 242  KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS                                                                                                                   KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS  243
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