Page 227 - IPL 2
P. 227


                                                                                         In Conversation with Nita Ambani...

                                                                                         You paid the highest amount for a franchise. Was the group adamant about having the Mumbai team at any price?
                                                                                         When Indiawin Sports Pvt. Ltd bid for a franchise we were the number 1 bidder in 7 circles and in turn became the highest bidder at
                                                                                         the auction. As the highest bidder, we had the fi rst right of refusal and were given a choice of franchise. Indiawin Sports is part of the
                                                                                         Reliance Industries group. Reliance started its operations in Mumbai as a small company with an initial investment of Rs 15,000 and has
                                                                                         grown into a company worth USD 28 billion over the last 35 years. It was only natural to choose the Mumbai team.

                                                                                         What was your reaction when you heard that the IPL may be shifting out of India?
                                                                                         We were very disappointed when we fi rst heard that the IPL was moving out of India. It meant leaving behind our home fans and
                                                                                         playing in front of foreign audiences. We would miss the fans and the incredible support that we received at each and every match we
                                                                                         had played. Personally, it meant leaving my children during their 12th standard board exams.

                                                                                         Our initial disappointment gave way to excitement. We were confi dent that the team would garner support and have a following
                                                                                         no matter where we played. Moving to South Africa was a great opportunity for the youngsters, most of who had never played on
                                                                                         international soil before. Bringing the IPL to an international audience was another challenge we were looking forward to.

                                                                                         How did you feel on opening day in Cape Town when you walked into a packed Newlands?
                                                                                         The enthusiasm and support we received from the crowd at Newlands was very touching. Here was a tournament that had been
                                                                                         organized within a month and there were people cheering for us and waving Mumbai Indians fl ags in all directions. The crowd’s positive
                                                                                         energy was contagious, and defi nitely gave the player’s confi dence a huge boost that opening day. The team played a good game, taking                                                       h
                                                                                         wickets quickly and winning by 19 runs. All in all, a very satisfying day, especially with our captain getting MOTM.                                                                            aving Sachin lead the team fi lls everyone with a sense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of assurance, as they know they are in capable hands.
                                                                                         Shaun Pollock didn’t play in season 2 but he must have been a great help for the players to understand local conditions?
                                                                                         Being captain briefl y in Season 1 helped bring out Shaun Pollock’s leadership abilities and showed him how to hold the team together
                                                                                         as a cohesive whole. It was an easy transition for him to step into the role of mentor for Season 2 as everyone was already familiar with                                                   NITA AMBANI
                                                                                         him in a leadership position.

                                                                                         He was great for helping the younger players understand the different conditions of the local pitches. He was patient with them and
                                                                                         coached them through their diffi culties, especially since most of them hadn’t played away from home before. He played a vital role in                             “
                                                                                         helping the team adjust to the different conditions in South Africa.

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