Page 50 - Gujar Mal Modi
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and showed him the different parts of the machinery. When the reverie broke

              Gujarmal found himself lying on his cosy bed. He was overjoyed as the dream
              sequence had set his mind at rest. He sketched a blue-print. A wooden model of

              the dehydrating machines was prepared on the basis of the rough sketch pro-
              vided by Mr. Modi which was later on improved and incorporated into prototype

              machines which were further improved for the factory. Thus on 28th May 1941
              was born the Modi Food Products, based entirely on the ideas provided by the

              enterprising young industrialist.

              On 18th Decembcr I 941, this factory was separated from the sugar factory and
              converted into a public limited company. Sometime later a new company, Modi

              Supplies Corporation Ltd. was set up to process dry fruits into cakes and tablets
              for the use of the armed forces. The dehydrating plant of the Mod is was the first

              of its kind in the country. The dehydration process was patented by Mr. Modi and
              dedicated to the Government of India.

              Meanwhile, Mr. Modi continued to expand facilities for his workers. They were
              given canteen facilities at Modinagar and a school was opened for the benefit

              of their children. In 1942, Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Leader of the National Move-
              ment, visited the School and a purse was presented to him. Mr. Nehru is reported

              to have quipped: “Is it meant to stop me from inciting your workers?” Pat came
              the reply from Mr. Modi, “If an outsider can exercise so much influence on my

              workers, one can imagine how much influence I have over them.” Mr. Nehru was
              pleased and he praised the sense of goodwill shown by Mr. Modi towards his


              The title of Rai Bahadur was conferred on Gujarmal Modi at a formal investiture
              ceremony held at the Government House, Lucknow, on 28th November 1942.

              His Excellency Sir Maurice Hallet, the Governor of the then United Provinces, read
              out the citation that Mr. Modi had “not only rendered a valu-able contribution to

              supply” but had also shown himself as “a generous helper of all good causes” and
              had “considerably contributed in the furtherance of the War Effort.”

              The same year Mr. Modi established a girl’s school for the benefit of children of
              the workers employed at Modinagar.

              All these years he had not been oblivious of Mahendra Garh, his birth-place. He

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