Page 50 - IPL 2
P. 50

My  collegaue,  Peter  Griffiths  from  IMG,  and

 I    created  over  100  versions  of  the  schedule
 because the truth is we anticipated a positive
 solution but, in the end, our job was to ensure

 that  the  League  happened  without  ever

 compromising on security.

                                                 one hundred and eleven

                                                          schedules later...

 I always felt that we could get to a solution
 but, I must say, I spent almost 20 days in India

 reworking  the  schedule  and  trying  to  come
 up  with  one  that  would  work  on  all  levels.

 Security  was  our  prime  concern  and  we  also
 needed  a  schedule  that  was  coherent  as
 well  as  proper  from  a  sporting  perspective.

 The  nightmare  would  be  to  start  again  and

 accommodate for the domino effect.  For you
 would suddenly find that the Mumbai Indians
 couldn’t be in Mumbai one day and playing in

 Chennai the next.  We had to take into account
 the travelling time, the spectators - could we

 expect them to go see cricket 4 days in a row at
 one venue.  We also had to think of the TV crews

 and the overall logistics.  So, changing the date
 for one game would often mean moving 6 to 7

 games around.

 40  MISSION IMPOSSIBLE                                                                                                                             MISSION IMPOSSIBLE  41
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