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                The overarching Heat campaign was Etienne’s brainchild. When he asked Lalit and his team what the IPL stood for, Andrew Wildblood
                from IMG said; “It is a reflection of modern India”. He explained that India became an economic powerhouse mainly by investing
 FRANCOIS PINEEAR  in education.  India has a vibrant culture, rich traditions, a spectrum of hot colors, wonderfully spicy food and of course Bollywood

                and all of this wrapped together represents the Indian Premier League.  Through this insight, Etienne came up with our advertising
                slogan:” The Heat is coming, the Heat is on”. He briefed the advertising agency the next day and our marketing campaign was born.
 Had you followed the IPL in season 1?  It set out initially to educate the South African public about the IPL and created a mouth-watering expectancy addressing our first
 Yes, I did, but only in parts. Sports nuts like me follow almost everything.  concern about knowledge.  To get the South African public to adopt a team, I recommended that we encourage all the radio stations
                and their respective disc jockeys to adopt a team. It was vital that they understood the importance of South Africa hosting a successful
 Were you aware of what a phenomenon it was back in India?   tournament; this would have a meaningful impact in particular on cross border relationships between South Africa and India. We did a
 The coverage we received of stadiums packed to the rafters with passionate cricket fans, the carnival atmosphere and excitement was   whirlwind 2 day trip trough South Africa to present the IPL and our campaign as well as the importance of a successful tournament to
 something I have not seen before.  It was unprecedented and I remember being amazed and mightily impressed. How a competition   all the radio stations. The support was tremendous and we got unequivocal buy-in from every DJ and radio station, they became Brand
 could capture the imagination of sports fans on such a scale in its first season was very impressive to say the least.  Ambassadors.   This insight helped us to get the radio listeners and loyal fans of the station to follow suit. When my sons called me
                and Jean stated that he is now a Delhi Daredevil and Stephan triumphantly proclaimed to be a Rajasthan Royal, I knew we were onto
 Talk us through that first phone call you got to be part of the IPL in SA and your reaction to it?   a winner.
 It is not a straightforward answer and needs some background. We lived in the UK for 6 years and got to know Etienne de Villiers very
 well, we became close friends.  The first phone call came from Etienne explaining that the IPL is considering relocating to South Africa   What was the thought behind the HEAT campaign?
 as a result of the security concerns. He said that Lalit had asked him for his opinion but wanted to hear my views as I know the market   It addressed our third concern. “The Heat is coming, the Heat is on” marketing campaign got people excited about the IPL but how are
 quite well.   We had a chat about the challenges and then spoke with Lalit and we both offered to fly to Johannesburg to spend an   we going to put “Bums on seats” during the week?  Etienne and I discussed this at length until the small hours of the morning. Etienne
 afternoon with Lalit and his team debating the major challenges and possible solutions. I was excited to say the least after the phone   suggested that we consider a Lotto at every match and this would attract great interest and support. He kept asking the question what
 calls and I started doing some research in preparation for our meeting.    the IPL’s legacy would be once the tournament left our shores. I liked the idea a lot and we developed it further.   .  I am passionate about
                education and started the Make A Difference foundation ( on my return from London along with a group of
 You are a legend in South Africa. Do you feel an inherent personal responsibility about any sporting event you choose to endorse?  friends. We help academically talented but financially disadvantaged kids get the best education possible.   I suggested that the IPL
 I guess when you are fairly well known in your country whenever you work for a different sporting code, people would see you as a   should give away scholarships at every game to kids randomly selected in the crowd, I was confident that the schools would allow the
 brand ambassador of sorts.    kids to attend the matches and convince one or maybe both of their parents to tag along.  Lalit liked the idea and the Help Educate And
                Teach (HEAT) initiative became a reality. The IPL committed $1 million dollars to the HEAT campaign, which has left a legacy.
 How were the days leading up to that opening weekend?   •   At every match 5 randomly selected kids got their scholarship paid by the IPL for one year. We gave away 300 scholarships throughout.
 Absolutely crazy stuff!   We had to put together a street carnival, assist with the opening ceremony, launch the marketing campaign,   •  We selected 31 Schools in disadvantageous communities and with the help of the franchise owners handed out R100 000 cheques
 source a venue and talent for Lalit’s opening celebrations and these were just a couple of tentacles on a massive squid that kept   to each of these schools.
 growing more…    •  We developed Help Educate And Teach (HEAT) tickets, which allowed school children free access to an IPL match and a chance to win
                  a one year scholarship courtesy of the IPL.
 Did you expect the response that the IPL got in SA?   Peter Griffiths and his team at IMG were magnificent in helping us getting the HEAT tickets to the schools in the days leading up to
 I knew that if we position the IPL correctly we could do something special but I did not expect such a response.   an IPL match. I remember calling all the headmasters in Port Elizabeth on a late Sunday afternoon explaining the HEAT initiative and
                encouraging them to allow the children time off school to watch the IPL match the next day. We had only sold 12% of the tickets at
 Did you ever have any apprehensions that this, being essentially a domestic Indian tournament, might not find packed houses in SA?  that stage. They all bought into the HEAT initiative and what we found was that the kids dragged their parents along whom all bought
 Yes I was concerned but also saw the opportunity.  I like to see the glass as half full.     tickets to watch the match.
 Allow me to explain. South Africans love their sport and professional rugby is very popular. In 2008 I initiated a University rugby
 competition and the pessimists said it would fail as rugby at this level was poorly supported. I kept reminding my team that we are not   What was the personal significance of the HEAT campaign for you?
 in the Rugby business but that we are in the Entertainment industry and should apply our thinking accordingly.   I will never forget the day when Lalit launched the HEAT campaign at the Alexander Sinton school in Cape Town. The IPL franchise
 I harped on the 4 P’s. If we have a good Product, which is reasonably Priced, well Promoted and Protected we will attract good crowds.   captains attended the event and I recall the shock on their faces when they were welcomed like rock stars, everyone just wanted to
 The Varsity cup was a resounding success in its first year but on a miniscule scale compared the IPL.     touch them. Lalit deliver a wonderful speech and when he handed over the HEAT cheque to the headmaster, the roof of the school hall
 The IPL is a mouth watering Product with the greatest stars in the cricket world competing in a batting and bowling extravaganza. The   almost lifted with the cheers of “Thank you!”   There are many bright kids all over the world that cannot afford a good education. If
 tickets were very well Priced; a family of 4 could go and watch these superstars for under R100. This represented great value for money   these kids get a chance to develop their intellect, the world will be a much better place.
 in South Africa. The IPL is Protected by the BCCI, so Lalit gave us a crystal clear brief in our first meeting: “Bums on seats”.
 We had to come up with a marketing and Promotional plan that would fill the stadia throughout the 59 matches, engage the support of   How were the schools picked for each grant?
 South Africa’s sports fans as well as the support of large South African Non Resident Indian population and leave an enduring legacy.     We developed selection criteria for the schools to qualify for the IPL grant. We focused on:
 When we studied the tournament and fixtures our 3 biggest challenges were:   •   Corporate governance and the ability of the school to manage the grant effectively.
 •     The lack of general knowledge about India and the IPL. Although South African people might have generally heard about the   •   We insisted that the Headmaster and/or Chairperson of the Governing body actively participated in the application of the grant.
 Indian Premier League and know a little about India, there was a dearth of knowledge.   •   The schools had to open an IPL Bursary fund bank account to manage the funds.
 •    No Brand loyalty from the local spectators. Sports fans are passionate about “their” team, how are we going to get the South   •   We looked at the financial disposition of the schools and the particular educational needs.
 African public to adopt a team that they have little or no affinity with? What is our call to action?  “  •   We considered the academic, cultural and sport development at the school.    “
 •         Timing of the matches. Especially the games played during the week. People are at work and their children at school.    •   We considered the schools proximity to the match venues.

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