Page 181 - IPL 2
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In Conversation with Ness Wadia and Mohit Burman, Co-Owners, Kings XI Punjab...

                                                                                         Did any of the players tell you  “calm down, you are going to hurt yourself”?
                                                                                         Its funny you ask this question, as it reminds me of an instance in the inaugural season when the Kings XI were at Jaipur playing their                                           Tell us how the alliance happened between all of you?
                                                                                         first ever away match. People always told me that cricket was a very funny game – where you could be up one minute and down the next.                                             MB:  We were all friends so it was an opportunity for us to work together and build something we believed in.
                                                                                         And I experienced that in all its glorious uncertainty. One moment the Kings XI were cruising and then the dew suddenly turned the
                                                                                         tables on us. The crowd being fickle, as always, started passing comments to which a friend of mine said I would be better moving away                                            Tell us how you got involved with the IPL?
                                                                                         from the players dug-out area to hospitality lounge. That’s the time I realized my team needed my support the most and I just stood my                                “ MB:  All of us have spent considerable time abroad studying and working. For all of us, sports has been an integral part of growing up.
                                                                                         ground, inspite of all that was happening around me, with the comments and all. I did not want to abandon ship – so I just stood there,                                           We have seen how successful different leagues are overseas and the IPL gave us an opportunity to partake in a possible future creation.
                                                                                         soaking it all in, just to support our team and we lost that game. But on the flight back from Jaipur some of my players walked up to me
                                                                                         and told me what they thought of me standing there for them inspite of all the adversity and that they really appreciated the support.                                            You have quite a large number of collaborators /co-owners in the franchise. Does that hamper or aid in the decision making process?
                                                                                         After that, somehow, I felt very accepted with the boys and I suddenly felt that I was part of the team.                                                                          MB:  It was like setting any new business where there are many partners. There were ups and downs but looking back we have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           able to build a strong franchise.
                                                                                         Tell us about your experience in South Africa.
                                                                                         In one word it was simply “fantastic”.  I have done a lot of shows in South Africa, with Mr. Bachchan, SRK and Hrithik and so I always                                            You managed quite a coup with your foreign players, who was the think tank behind the shortlist pre auction?
                                                                                         knew about the large Indian diaspora there. But the way the Indians in South Africa and the South Africans too embraced the IPL was                                               NW:  It was a team effort between Tom Moody - our coach, Yuvraj Singh, Amar Bindra and myself.
                                                                                         simply overwhelming. South Africa is definitely a very sporting country and I think that it was a beautiful exchange that happened
                                                                                         through the medium of the IPL. In fact, I told Lalit, who I think is one of the greatest minds in sport, the very same thing when he                                              Did any of you think the monies were unviable, in terms of buying the franchise or in the player auctions?
                                                                                         announced the HEAT initiative there: H – Help , E – Educate and T – Teach.                                                                                                        MB: In the beginning, yes. There was no way I thought we could make money. The player auction, had it been a silent one, would have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           enabled franchises to pay much less.
                                                                                         I remember Lalit standing with that mike and he said, “We want to leave a glow behind, with Help, Educate And Teach” and, at that
                                                                                         moment, I felt so proud. South Africa is a wonderful country that simply opened its arms to us and embraced us all. Which other country                                           Was their any player that all of you thought unanimously is a must have, irrespective of price?
                                                                                         would? And I believe South Africa is a country of doers.  Which other country could have been able to stage the IPL all in a matter of 3                                          MB:  Brett Lee
                                                                                         weeks?  And they did it in style. It was all so well done and so I say it was a beautiful exchange. I really had a fabulous time there, though
                                                                                         I missed going on a safari. I would like to go back for that.                                                                                                                     Tell us about Tom Moody as coach.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NW:  Tom is experienced, methodical. A very good coach and the players respect him.
                                                                                         Your team has the most owners, as different entities, does that hamper decision-making or aid it?
                                                                                         Different owners of course often means different opinions, and it’s not always the best thing sometimes. But it is also amazing because                                           Did IPL 1 surpass your expectations?
                                                                                         it brings with it an amazing amalgamation of different thought processes and ideas. So there are pluses and minuses. Each of us have                                              NW:  Yes, it did in each and every way and form. Right from the auction through to the organization by a fantastic IMG/IPL team.  The
                                                                                         a different way of thinking and it’s healthy to have an environment to discuss and do things and I think that we are so different that it                                         fans and most of all, the PCA and Kings XI team.
                                                                                         makes for a really nice colourful mix.                                                                                                                                            MB: Not only mine, but the worlds.

                                                                                         Season 3, going back to Mohali, are you looking forward to playing there, on homeground?                                                                                          What was your first reaction to the news that IPL 2 would be moving out of the country?
                                                                                         Oh YES!  I cannot tell you how excited I am about it. Just cannot wait for the action to start in Mohali and Dharamsala, it should be a                                           NW: Oh no! Here we go again!
                                                                                         lot of fun! Going back to our own stadium, amongst our Punjabi fans – what more could one ask for.  I think IPL 2010 will be bigger and                                           MB: Fright and stress on how this could be achievable in such a short time.
                                                                                         better this year. I also think that the Kings XI Punjab are going to perform much better this year. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that
                                                                                         there are no injuries and everyone is fine. And of course the aloo parathe – ooh, I am quite excited! I am trying to juggle my filming dates                                      Were you surprised at how South Africa, both authorities and public, embraced the tournament?
                                                                                         around, after having taken a long sabbatical from films for the IPL, to ensure that I am there for my team at most games. More than the                           “               NW: No, because South Africa is a leading sports country and has very good infrastructure with wonderful proactive people.                                       “
                                                                                         fans, I will be the one that is more upset if any miss any crucial matches.                                                                                                       MB: No. The sport culture is immense in S.A and therefore the importance given to the IPL by everyone there was very high.

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