Page 142 - IPL 2
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i t was 7 in the morning. We trudged into the                                  Chatting with Amrit the talk invariably shifted

                transit  lounge  at  Jo’burg  airport  loopy  eyed.                             to their foreign players. Mohamed Asif was not
                We were greeted by the Daredevils CEO, Amrit                                    making the trip but there wasn’t cause to worry

                Mathur  and  a  squeaky  clean  squad  dressed                                  as  they  had  the  legendary  Glenn  McGrath,  it
                in their team shirts. They didn’t look like they                                was  then  that  Amrit  dropped  the  bomb.  “Our

                had disembarked from a long haul flight a few                                   bench strength is so strong that I suspect Glenn
                minutes  before  us.  In  fact,  they  looked  like  a                          might not find a place in the eleven” he said. At

                bunch of young management school graduates                                      first I thought Amrit was playing mind games,
                on  their  first  company  offsite.  Keen  and                                  considering Dhoni had joined our conversation

                enthusiastic,  yet  calm.  It  was  no  surprise,  for                          too.  But  he’s  a  straight  shooter  and  not  one
                that’s how the team’s owners run the franchise.                                 known for frivolous talk. “Then who will open

                With transparency and a no nonsense approach                                    your bowling?”, I asked. “We have a fast bloke
                to excellence. The team had the look and feel of                                called Dirk Nannes who plays for Holland.” He

                great man management, the foundation stone                                      replied. An unknown 32-year-old Dutch bowler
                to greatness in any team sport. It was this very                                would keep a legend out of the playing 11! Either

                calm energy that they would carry right through                                 this  man  was  really  good  or  the  Daredevils’
                the tournament.                                                                 management  had  seriously  lost  the  plot.  As

                                                                                                we  all  saw,  it  turned  out  to  be  the  former.
                There was never a crisis moment in the Daredevils                               What  Nannes  did  was  beamed  all  around  the
                campaign. If two key players failed in a particular                             world. What wasn’t though was how McGrath

                match, two others would put their hand up. If                                   responded  to  it  all.  And  there  in  lay  another

                the batting underperformed, the bowling would                                   clue to why this team was a well-bonded one.
                make up for it. If the bowlers strayed, the fielders                            He did not cringe, didn’t complain. As hungry as
                would put an extra effort in. What mattered was                                 he is after 600 test wickets, he always puts team

                winning, it didn’t seem to matter much who got                                  before self. He laced up his spikes and took on
                them the victory individually. The team would                                   the roll of mentoring the bowlers and sharing

                win as a whole, and win they did. They were the                                 his vast knowledge. He even ran out with drinks
                first to qualify for the semis, and had an envious                              in between overs. The psychological effect of a

                win percentage.                                                                 simple action like that on the younger players
                                                                                                is invaluable - its like glue for a team. And that’s

                But  let’s  go  back  to  that  morning  in  Jo’burg,                           the glue that made the Daredevils stick to the
                for  the  second  point  we’re  trying  to  make.                               top of the table for most of the tournament.

 130  DELHI DAREDEVILS                                                                                                                               DELHI DAREDEVILS  131
 dirk nannes
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