Page 117 - IPL 2
P. 117


                                                                                         In Conversation with Dr. Vijay Mallya…

                                                                                         How did you think of getting into the IPL?

                                                                                         Cricket is a fantastic platform for promotion in India. The UB Group is well known for adopting new platforms and
                                                                                         formats such as the IPL to promote its wide range of market leading brands. Hence, the decision to bid for an IPL
                                                                                         team - as, such a platform, with wide spread visibility, does not present itself very often.

                                                                                         On an organizational level, what did you think of Season 1?

                                                                                         I personally believe that Season 1 was successful despite the inevitable teething problems that are expected from
                                                                                         an event of this size and scale. I strongly believe that Season 1 was more than successful as a foundation to creating
                                                                                         what the IPL stands for today.

                                                                                         You’ve built many successful brands. It must’ve hurt that the team finished 7th, not to mention all the criticism your
                                                                                         franchise faced for player selections.
                                                                                         I selected the RCB team in consultation with Rahul Dravid. I was criticised for assembling a test team rather than

                                                                                         a Twenty20 team. However, ironically, it was the so called Test players who took RCB into the finals of IPL 2. Other
                                                                                         players also branded as Test Players performed well for other IPL teams. The criticism, on initial team selection, was
                                                                                         therefore premature.

                                                                                         In sport, no matter how strong a team is in terms of player line-up, there is no guarantee of success. The so called

                                                                                         weakest line-up of the Rajasthan Royals actually won the trophy in IPL Season 1. Similarly, Deccan Chargers who
                                                                                         finished last in IPL 1 became the champions in IPL 2. The RCB result finishing 7th in IPL 1 was disappointing but we
                                                                                         fully redeemed ourselves by reaching the finals in IPL 2.

                                                                                         How did you react when you heard that the IPL was moving to SA?
                                                                                         I was, fortunately, a part of the BCCI meeting that took the decision to shift IPL 2 to SA. Clearly I wanted brand IPL
                                                                                         to be firmly rooted and any interruption would have been a big disadvantage. SA is a great cricketing country and

                                                                                         there was no doubt that a successful tournament could be staged.

                                                                                         Many people criticised the move to SA but it remains a fact that there are far more television viewers than live                                                                                                                                                         I was criticised for assembling a test team
                                                                                         stadium viewers. I was quite confident that television viewership and the enhancement of the IPL brand would not                                                                                                                                                         rather  than  a  Twenty20  team.  However,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ironically, it was the so called Test players

                                                                                         Team owners expressed concerns about the financial economics of relocating to SA but all of us were assured by the                                                                                                                                                       who took RCB into the finals of IPL 2.
                                                                                         IPL governing council that our financial interest would be fully protected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DR. VIJAY MALLYA
                                                                                         Were you surprised by how emphatic the response was in South Africa?
                                                                                         I was surprised at the over-whelming response in SA whilst I was always confident of basic support. Today, the                                                    “
                                                                                         South African’s have, perhaps become the largest overseas fans and  followers of the IPL.

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