Page 101 - IPL 2
P. 101

I  t  was  a  crisp  morning  in  Cape  Town.  Our                              just the opposite of what you would want in a

                                                                                         camera crew was on their way to film a feature                                   captain who is to take you out of a slump. But

                                                                                         at the Deccan Chargers training camp. No one                                     he  showed  that  aggression  is  not  necessarily
                                                                                         was  looking  forward  to  it  much  as  the  team                               worn on the face. You can as easily destroy the
                                                                                         had  lacked  fire  in  the  first  season.  Teams  and                           moral of the opposition bowlers while wearing

                                                                                         audiences alike had whipped them in the first                                    a smile. Because 3 sixes in an over can have an

                                                                                         season. No smart money would be on them in                                       effect that sledging or hustling just can’t.
                                                                                         IPL 2009 in South Africa. None of the Indian star
                                                                                         players were on their rolls, Boom Boom Shahid                                    The  Chargers  also  had  a  new  coach,  former

                                                                                         Afridi was not making the trip, Andrew Symonds                                   Australian international, Darren Lehmann. Hard
                                                                                         was  available  for  only  half  the  tournament,                                as nails, an ideal foil to the happy and cheery

                                                                                         so  the  crew  was  not  too  kicked  about  this                                Gilchrist. The Bar room brawler and the Smiling
                                                                                         early assignment.                                                                Six hitter – what a combination!

                                                                                         But, no sooner than we had gotten out of our                                     On paper, this team would have seemed happiest

                                                                                         car, did we all feel a perceptible whiff of change                               at the move to South Africa as they had not won
                                                                                         in the air. It was not a small one. From the person                              a  single  home  game  in  all  of  Season  1,  a  feat

                                                                                         who came to receive us, to the assistant coach                                   that will probably be a record for a long time to
                                                                                         who was hitting the high balls. The youngsters                                   come. But they did have concerns. Their primary

                                                                                         who were outrunning each other. Adam Gilchrist                                   one was the cold.  According to Mr. V Shankar,
                                                                                         and  Dwayne  Smith  who  were  competing  on                                     co owner, “The initial reaction was one of worry
                                                                                         the  yards  their  big  hits  were  getting.  They                               as we were unsure the team would be able to

                                                                                         were having fun,  but  they  were training  hard.                                adjust  in  such  a  short  time.  Once  it  became

                                                                                         Where  was  the  gloom  and  despair  we  were                                   known that the weather was not biting we felt
                                                                                         expecting to see?                                                                confident of doing our best.”

                                                                                         Maybe it was the new team colors. The earlier                                    But after the rough weather they’d been through
                                                                                         insipid  beige  was  probably  the  dullest  kit  of                             in India, even a rainstorm would be a walk in the

                                                                                         all  the  teams.  But  this  new  blue  was  not  just                           park. As the tournament progressed the world
                                                                                         pleasing  to  the  eye;  it  also  seemed  to  have                              saw that Gilly still had that magic touch. But it

                                                                                         energized  the  team.  Adam  Gilchrist  would                                    was to be a solid team effort with Rohit Sharma,
                                                                                         have  his  first  full  season  as  captain.  And  the                           and RP Singh and Azhar Bilakhia, and Pragyan

                                                                                         Chargers  management  was  eager  to  give  him                                  Ojha and Herschelle Gibbs and Andrew Symonds
                                                                                         all the support he needed to turn their fortunes                                 all  chipping  in  with  solid  performances  when

                                                                                         around.  Its  no  secret  that  Gilly  is  one  of  the                          needed the most. They had a team of superstars
                                                                                         most  explosive  batsmen  the  world  has  ever                                  in the first season too, but they had not played

                                                                                         seen, but he is also one of the nicest blokes you                                like a superstar team. In season 2 they all pulled
                                                                                         will ever meet. Soft spoken and gentle, he was                                   through. Lugging the weight for each other.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ANDREW SYMONDS
                                                                                90  DECCAN CHARGERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DECCAN CHARGERS  91
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