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                                                                                                  n  the  face  of  it,  VVS  Laxman  does  not  seem  like                 another 16-match winning run by the Aussies) while displaying
                                                                                    the  most  natural  Twenty20  player.  He  has  never  appeared  in                     a  more  expansive  mood  during  a  delightful  century  in  the
                                                                                    a  Twenty20  match  and  his  batting  style  seems  unsuited  to                       controversial Test in Sydney at New Year.
                                                                                    clearing the ropes. In fact, he has hit just four sixes in 90 Test
                                                                                    appearances and four sixes in 86 ODIs.                                                  Whether he can now resurrect his one-day career remains to
                                                                                                                                                                            be seen. His lack of mobility in the field (due in part to creaking
                                                                                    But that is only part of the story. VVS in full flow is one of the                      knees), and a suspicion that his batting is too one-paced, have
                                                                                    wonders of the modern game (unless you are one of the unlucky                           been  the  reasons  that  he  has  played  almost  no  limited-overs
                                                                                    ones  expected  to  bowl  at  him).  Tall,  willowy,  possessed  of                     cricket  for  India  since  2004.  In  2007,  he  was  left  out  of  both
                                                                                    wonderful wrists and sublime timing, he can thread boundaries                           the ICC World Cup and ICC World Twenty20. The day India beat
                                                                                    through any field and play shots that few, if any, can emulate.                         Australia in the Twenty20 semi-finals, he narrowly failed to take
                                                                                    Like  Mohammad  Azharuddin,  his  inspiration,  he  arouses  avid                       Lancashire to the county championship title with a run-a-ball
                                                                                    passion among fans.                                                                     century at The Oval.

                                                                                    Even the Australians, for whom Laxman has reserved many of                              His  Indian  Premier  League  season  with  Hyderabad’s  Deccan
                                                                                    his finest performances, admit there have been times when they                          Chargers  gave  him  the  chance  to  prove  that  he  had  what  it
                                                                                    were at a loss as to how to deal with him. In all, he has taken                         takes to adapt his game to more frantic demands. Agonisingly,
                                                                                    nine centuries off Australia, five in Tests and four in one-dayers;                     the outcome was inconclusive as Laxman ended up playing only
                                                                                    the mightiest of these innings, 281 at Kolkata in 2001, helped                          six games before sitting out the remainder of a disappointing
                                                                                    end  a  16-match  winning  streak  by  Australia  and  remains  the                     tournament with his side because of an injury to his right wrist.
                                                                                    highest Test innings played against Australia in the last 70 years.                     But the signs, after a slow start, were that Laxman was able to
                                                                                    It prompted Ian Chappell to dub him Very Very Special Laxman                            assert his class when it mattered.
                                                                                    and helped India win a game in which they had been asked to
                                                                                    follow-on.                                                                              Opening the innings in an attempt to provide some right-handed
                                                                                                                                                                            elegance  as  a  counterpoint  to  Adam  Gilchrist’s  left-handed
                                                                                    For such a gifted player, though, Laxman has perhaps not done                           belligerence  at  the  other  end,  Laxman  began  with  scores  of
                                                                                    himself full justice. Batting averages of 44.2 in Tests and 30.8 in                     nought, two and 16 as his side kickstarted the competition with
                                                                                    one-dayers suggest a grafter rather than a god, but this goes to                        three successive defeats. But if that raised question-marks over
                                                                                    the heart of the Laxman enigma. He has not always been sure                             his suitability for the role, he responded in style.
                                                                                    whether to give full expression to his strokeplaying ability, or
                                                                                    play the role of crisis manager.                                                        With Gilchrist, the man who replaced him as skipper, blasting
                                                                                                                                                                            an unbeaten 109 off 48 balls against Mumbai Indians, Laxman
                                                                                    Outsiders have been surprised at how often India have left such                         calmly contributed 36 not out off 26 at the other end en route to
                                                                                    an outrageous talent out of their side. But the selectors have                          a 10-wicket victory. He then made 48 off 34 deliveries in the next
                                                                                    also not always seemed sure what they want from him. Early in                           match against Kings XI Punjab, before hitting 52 off 44 in the
                                                                                    his career, Laxman lost his Test place after saying that he did not                     last-ball  defeat  to  Bangalore  Royal  Challengers.  Each  innings
                                                                                    wish to open the innings (shortly after scoring 167 as an opener).                      had brought him more runs than the last, which is why his wrist
                                                                                    Later, he became the man to be left out if India wanted to play                         injury was such a cruel piece of timing.
                                                                                    an extra bowler.
                                                                                                                                                                            By the end of the tournament, it was a case of what might have
                                                                                    But he now seems more skilled at adapting his game to differing                         been  for  a  player  who  retained  his  worldwide  affection  and

                                                                                    situations. He contributed careful seventies to the recent Test                         proved  that  you  didn’t  necessarily  need  to  bludgeon  the  ball
                                                                                    victories over Pakistan in Delhi and Australia in Perth (to end                         over the rope to justify your place in Twenty20 cricket.

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