Page 92 - Gujar Mal Modi
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went on the pilgrimage and returned hale and hearty. Such was his faith in the

              will of God.

              In his second pilgrimage in 1953 when he went to Gangotri, he met Swami Krish-
              nashram ji Maharaj who he at once realised was the living embodiment of the

              figure of the visions that had haunted him in his dreams. He became his disciple
              and thereafter pilgrimages to holy places at intervals became his routine. He vis-

              ited practically all well-known holy shrines in the north and south of the country
              at different times in his lifetime.

              Mr. Modi was a God-fearing man with a devotional bent of mind. He built a num-
              ber of temples in the labour colonies of Modinagar, besides the shrine of Bhag-

              vati Devi at Shukratal in Muzaffarnagar District of U. P. and Lord Shiv Temple at
              Patiala in Punjab. He also built the magnificent Laxmi Narayan temple at Modi-

              nagar. It is a marvel in red sandstone, a triumph of the architect’s imagination,
              where the soul inspiring saga of our ancient religion is beautifully carved. The de-

              sign of the temple was prepared by Mr. M. L. Roy, the famous architect of Kanpur
              who had earlier designed the building of the well-known Birla Temple in Delhi.

              The temple is an exquisite structure and stands in the heart of Modinagar. It is a
              source of attraction for pas  sers-by and visitors. Gay parks and fountains around

              the temple encourage people to spend time in its lawns. He was later cremated
              in the lawns of this temple where a marble samadhi is to be constructed.

              Mr. Gujarmal had boundless faith in God. He strongly believed that he was a

              mere instrument of the Divine Will and that his efforts would succeed only if God
              willed them to.

              Mr. Modi was also a great philanthropist. He established the R. B. Multanimal
              Modi Charitable Trust and the Sainik Bhawan at Patiala. He established a Sadhu

              Ashram at Patiala.

              However, his single biggest contribution to the cause of pub lic welfare is the
              Eye Hospital and Ophthalmic Research Centre at Modinagar to which he con-

              tributed Rs. 3 million. It is now working in collaboration with the National So-
              ciety for the Prevention of Blindness. Its foundation ceremony was perfor  med

              on 26 April 1975 by the late President of India, Mr. Fakh  ruddin Ali Ahmed. This
              Research Centre is an integrated centre for promotive, preventive, curative and

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