Page 77 - Gujar Mal Modi
P. 77

Mr. Modi had the opportunity to preside over the 33rd convention of the Indus-

              trial Employers’ Organisation at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

              An event of great honour and historic significance came in March 1967 when the
              corner stone of Modipon, one more important venture of the Modi family was

              laid on 12 March 1967. This was the most prestigious venture undertaken by the
              Modis in collaboration with an American firm most reputed in the field of Nylon

              yarn. A mammoth congregation of invitees assembled at Modinagar and the
              inauguration ceremony was performed by the renowned American industrialist

              Dr F.C. Hass, Head of the collaborating American firm.

              The same day a nine feet high statue of Rai Bahadur Multani mal Modi, father of

              Mr. Gujarmal Modi, was unveiled in the park adjoining the college. This was an-
              other memorable day in the life of this industrial town. High dignitaries present

              at the un  veiling ceremony included High Court Judges, several political leaders
              and the Maharani of Patiala. At the unveiling ceremony, glowing tributes were

              paid to the memory of the Rai Bahadur Multanimal for the services rendered by
              him to the people.

              There were yet more honours in store for Gujarmal Modi. One such occasion

              came when he was nominated a member of the Export and Import Advisory
              Council and also of the Indian Exports Organisation. He was also nominated a

              member of the Senate of the Meerut University in recognition of the invaluable
              services rendered by him to the cause of education.

              The year 1968 was the most memorable in his life. He was then holding the post
              of the President of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Indus-

              try. The popular Government of the day made an assessment of the valuable
              contribution made by Mr. Modi to the development of the country and in rec-

              ognition of the services rendered by him to the nation, the Union Government
              decided to confer the coveted award of Padma Bhushan on him.

              The announcement of the decoration was greeted with applause by the indus-

              try and the leaders of public opinion. Thousands of greetings and congratula-
              tory messages poured into Modi  nagar. The industrialists of Calcutta arranged

              a big public reception in his honour, at which Mr. Dharam Vira, the then Gover-
              nor of West Bengal, presided.This was followed by a public reception at Delhi

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