Page 71 - Gujar Mal Modi
P. 71

Japan and at a few places in America, he could get satisfactory vegetarian food.

              But in Hongkong he found that he had no difficulty in getting Indian meals.

              On account of his strict vegetarianism the tour had an adverse effect on his
              health. He felt fatigued and developed a swelling in one knee-joint. The medi-

              cines which were given for the treatment of the swelling did not suit him and he
              developed an ulcer in his liver. This became rather serious. Even till 4 December

              1961, when Mr. Krishna Kumar Modi, his eldest son, was married, Mr. Modi con-
              tinued to suffer from the effects of the knee-joint swelling. He was cured only

              after 4 to 5 months of treatment but the swelling had even then not altogether
              disappeared. It left a permanent mark on him. He was advised not to take baths

              with cold water and he was prevented from going on pilgrimage to the hill areas.

              In 1961 a torch factory was set up and machines for the arc electrodes factory

              were imported from East Germany. The same year Mr. Modi was elected Presi-
              dent of Indian Sugar Mills Association. He also visited Kulu, Manali, Jwalaji. On

              his return journey from these places, he stayed with the Raja of Mandi. He was
              treated by the royal family as a guest of honour. In April 1961 Mr. Modi presided

              over the annual conference of the Mechanical Engineers of India at Bombay.

              In the very first year the arc-electrodes factory yielded enough profit to cover
              the initial expenditure incurred in setting up the factory. Work on the setting up

              of a Steel factory was taken in hand that year. A scheme was also prepared to
              set up the fourth textile unit at an estimated cost of Rs. 25 million. Machinery for

              the steel furnace, rolling mill and the wire-drawing plant was ordered. A cotton
              delinting factory was also set up at Abohar in Punjab at a cost of Rs. 1.45 million.

              At the same time work on the setting up of a new distillery at Jagadhri was taken
              up at an estimated cost of Rs. 3 million.

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