Page 36 - Gujar Mal Modi
P. 36


              FOUR                                     EARLY STRUGGLES

              Work at the site of the sugar factory progressed without much difficulty. How-
              ever, after the construction was complete-the plant equipment was installed at

              an expenditure of Rs. 11,00,000 and the factory came into actual operation on
              15th September 1933- there were some serious and dampening developments.

              The drainage of the effluent proved a problem. For sometime, the pits of the
              brick kiln served the purpose but soon the pits were filled to capacity and could

              not absorb any more water. The residents of the village Sikri, apparently under
              the influence of the landlords of the area, were bitter on account of the setting

              up of the sugar factory near the area of their habitation. As a protest they had
              constructed a bund on the outskirts of the village thus obstructing the drainage

              of the effluent. The landlords of the area were at the back of these irate villagers
              because the farm labour, which used to be employed by them on low wages was

              engaged at the construction site on higher wages and with brighter prospects
              of getting absorbed in the factory.

              These villagers of Sikri not only constructed the bund but also mounted guard
              over the embankment of the bund fearing that the factory owner might attempt

              a forcible breach of the bund. But breaching of the bund was essential in order
              to drain out the accumulated effluent of the factory. All efforts to persuade the

              villagers to allow the accumulated effluent to pass through the bund failed. Mr.
              Modi, thereupon, thought out a novel plan. He knew that the area was infested

              with dacoits belonging to the Maria tribe who used to loot people passing along
              the highway as well as through the busy area. There was, on this account, an

              understandable fear among the villagers and no one dared to move out of the
              village after dusk. Mr. Modi chalked out a plan to scare the village watchman

              away from the bund, but kept it a close secret. A man was taken into confidence
              and was told to go to the bund site at the dead of night and cry ‘Mar gaya, mar

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